I am passionate about new technologies, space exploration, entrepreneurship and innovative startups. I like to try new things and research about exciting things. Furthermore, I have been doing entrepreneurship all my life, and it is my passion. I have been studying an action based degree in International Business in which I created various Startups which I had in my Portfolio. Thanks to that, I have a huge experience managing international teams and living in every place in the world.
I have been managing and working in an International Team with members from Spain, Colombia, China, South Korea, Vietnam and Belgium during 4 Years. We have been traveling all around the world co-creating while living in Bilbao and Madrid (Spain), Shanghai (China), Berlin (Germany), Seoul (South Korea) and San Francisco (USA). Thanks to all of this, I have a huge experience and understanding about people and their cultures and helped me to develop my skills.
Thanks to being inside an International Team and traveling all around the world spending time and living in those places, my Knowledge about each culture where I lived in helped me to “be water”. I mean that, thanks to these experiences, nowadays, I can go anywhere and make a live there easily and work with people different from me. Apart from these, my understanding about business in different palaces in the world is huge. I know how to make business in Europe, Asia, USA, because I have been living and making business there, Knowledge without action is worthless.
Since I was 11 Years old I focused my life into Business. My first project called www.cestasdenavidad.com, where I was selling Christmas Chests, a very popular thing in Spain. This teached me about what a real business is, budgeting and the important of finance inside a company. After that, my second company called OK Sunglasses, where I was one of the first companies in Spain to introduce wood sunglasses. Inside this company I learnt about product manufacturing and marketing, it generated me some return but it still was a short term project to learn and understand the business. After that I co-created with my actual team mates NAMU. NAMU is a holding of different Startups based in different countries and in different sectors from Fashion to Aerospace. During these years I worked inside with my team in MyWay Heels, a company that is revolutionizing the world of fashion with an interchangeable high heel. CONSTELLAR AEROSPACE, a company making space more accessible. TRIBAL KOFFEA, a specialty coffee brand. And other projects and events to found our Startups.

Mondragon Team Academy - MTA World
LEINN International is the Official European Bachelor's Degree in Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation. In LEINN International we learn how to create entrepreneurial projects with social impact while you travel around the world. LEINN International is a four-year challenge of intense and exciting work. A journey to become a world citizen with a global vision and the ability to translate this knowledge into projects that can combat the greatest challenges of our time, transforming the world for good. A nomad 4-year degree where you learn by creating real entrepreneurial ventures in multicultural teams and have a life changing experience.

Georgetown University - International Executive Business Program
Georgetown University - International Executive Business Program is a 1-month program developed in Georgetown University campus, Washington DC. In here we develop our international business skills while developing real world study cases.

ESEUNE Business School - Dreamers Factory Silicon Valley Junior Academy
ESEUNE Business School - Dreamers Factory Silicon Valley Junior Academy is a program developed in Silicon Valley, USA. In here a group of teenagers gathers to visit some of the most important companies like GOOGLE, AIRBNB, TWITTER, APPLE, NASA, among others. We gather with people working in those companies to visit them and understand their working culture and how they work.

ESEUNE Business School - Silicon Valley Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program

Stanford University - Product Invention & Crowdfunding Workshop Bizsmart Global

ESEUNE Business School (China) - Introduction to Chinese business (Beijing, Tianjin & Shanghai)
ESEUNE Business School (China) - Introduction to Chinese business (Beijing, Tianjin & Shanghai) is a program developed in China to introduce Business and Chinese culture. In here we developed a 3-week program in Shanghai, Beijing and Tianjin visiting companies as BAIDU, ALIBABA, among others. While learning the Chinese culture and way of working.

Taller Euskadi+ Innova - Taller open maker

Tecs summercamp, LittleVillage
Tecs Summercamp, LittleVillage is a full native English Speaker Summer Camp where the students learn English and improve their speaking skills.

DigiPen Institute of Technology - Video game Design in 2D

Deusto University - Mobile apps

Deusto University - Lego Robotics II

Camptecnologico - Lego robotics
Camptecnologico - Lego robotics is a course designed for people who want to be introduced to robots.

Tecs Summercamp, Gredos
Tecs Summercamp, Gredos is a full native English Speaker Summer Camp where the students learn English and improve their speaking skills.
“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.” Elon Musk.
problem solving
Design thinking
3d printing
Get in touch
I look forward to connecting, exploring opportunities, and meeting wonderful people.